We Are Establishing an Eye Clinic in Yumbe, Uganda! - News & Blog |

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We Are Establishing an Eye Clinic in Yumbe, Uganda!

As Çare Association, we are launching another significant health project in the Yumbe region of Uganda. Yumbe, a legacy of the Ottoman Empire, holds great importance in the establishment of Islam in these lands. With the spread of Islam during the Ottoman period, this region became deeply rooted in cultural and religious significance and continues to live under the light of Islam today. By establishing an eye clinic in Yumbe, we, as Çare Association, aim to honor our history while also improving the region's access to healthcare services.

A New Era in Healthcare Services in Yumbe

The inadequacy of healthcare services in the Yumbe region negatively impacts the daily lives of the local population. As Çare Association, we are adding another health camp to our efforts to change this situation. The eye clinic we will establish at this camp will be equipped with state-of-the-art medical devices and will offer high-quality healthcare services to the people of Yumbe. The clinic will enable surgeries for eye diseases such as cataracts and help protect the eye health of patients.

Bringing Hope to Yumbe with Medical Supplies

The aid truck sent by Çare Association includes advanced medical equipment such as 2 Leica M620 eye microscopes, an Alcon phaco machine, and a KR 8100 keratometer. These devices, along with other surgical equipment like trypan blue, foldable lenses, and various surgical instruments to be used in eye surgeries, will be delivered to Yumbe. The 1-ton shipment of 25 different types of medical supplies will, God willing, enable the establishment of a modern eye clinic in Yumbe.

Outstanding Support from Turkish Airlines

As Çare Association, we are proud to once again witness the excellent partnership of Turkish Airlines in our international aid activities. With the support provided by Turkish Airlines for this project, the quality of life for thousands of people with limited access to healthcare services in the Yumbe region will be improved. The medical supplies, including eye microscopes, surgical devices, and medications, were transported to Yumbe by air, thanks to Turkish Airlines' support. This will allow the establishment of a modern eye clinic at the local hospital, helping the local population regain their health.

As Çare Association, we extend our sincere thanks to Turkish Airlines for their meaningful support. The sensitivity shown by Turkish Airlines once again highlighted the critical role it plays in international aid projects. This collaboration greatly strengthens our efforts to reach those in need, not only in Uganda but also around the world.

Our Health Campaigns in Yumbe from Past to Present

This project will, in shaaAllah , build on the success of the Yumbe Health Camp we conducted in February 2024. As Çare Association, we have brought hope to thousands of people through the health camps we organize in regions with limited access to healthcare services. During the Yumbe Health Camp, the surgeries performed by our expert doctors in the fields of eye and general surgery significantly improved the region's access to healthcare services. The cataract surgeries performed during this camp helped the people of Yumbe regain their health.

In the first three days of the health camp held in February, the cataract surgeries performed by our eye doctors, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selim Genç, Op. Dr. İlker Yalçın, and Op. Dr. Mustafa Yanık, and the interventions by our general surgeon Dr. Suat Benek, greatly improved the local population's access to healthcare services. In this project, supported by the Ministry of Health and TİKA, local and national government bodies, as well as volunteer doctors and assistants, worked with great dedication to deliver healthcare services to the region's people.

We Are Returning to Yumbe with Our 25-Person Expert Team

Now, as Çare Association, we are returning to Yumbe on September 12th with our 25-person expert healthcare team. In the health camp we will organize here, we will conduct various health screenings, especially for eye diseases, and work to address the health problems of the local population. The eye clinic to be established and the health camp to be organized will enhance the quality of healthcare services in Yumbe, contributing to the patients' access to the necessary treatments.

Would You Like to Contribute?

This health project in Yumbe will enhance the quality of life for the local population and open a new door of hope for them. As Çare Association, we continue to serve humanity and work to reach those in need all over the world. You can also support Çare Association's health activities.

Account Name: ÇARE YARDIMLAŞMA VE KALKINMA DERNEĞİ IBAN: TR36 0020 5000 0080 1506 0000 12

SMS Donation: Type “SAGLIK” and send it to 3851 to donate 30 TL.

"Wouldn’t you like to be a ray of hope for cataract patients in Africa who have difficulty accessing healthcare services? Donate now and change lives!"
